The director of popular Indian television serial 'Mahabharat', Rabi Chopra has died on Wednesday Nov. 12, 2014. Chopra was 68 and was fighting lungs cancer.
At the time the serial was broadcast in TV, most of the Indian streets used to be empty as everybody used to watch the serial. The serial made on the popular and ancient story of Kaurav and Pandava, also include the 'Gita', a Hindu teaching by lord Krishna.
Rabi is the son of popular film director BR Chopra and cousin of Yash Raj Chopra. Rabi had made 'Bhootnath' and 'Bhootnath Returns' recenlty.
चर्चित तथा लोकप्रिय निर्देशक बीआर चोपडाका छोरा तथा यशराज चोपडाका भतिज रविको भोली बिहीवार अन्तिम संस्कार गरिने भएको छ। पछिल्लो समय ‘भूतनाथ’ र ‘भूतनाथ रिटर्न्स’ फिल्म निर्माण गरेका रविले जमीर (१९७५), द बर्निंग ट्रेन (१९८०), मजदूर (१९८३), दहलीज (१९८६), बागवान (२००३) र बाबुल (२००६) जस्ता फिल्म निर्देशन गरेका थिए ।
At the time the serial was broadcast in TV, most of the Indian streets used to be empty as everybody used to watch the serial. The serial made on the popular and ancient story of Kaurav and Pandava, also include the 'Gita', a Hindu teaching by lord Krishna.
Rabi is the son of popular film director BR Chopra and cousin of Yash Raj Chopra. Rabi had made 'Bhootnath' and 'Bhootnath Returns' recenlty.
चर्चित तथा लोकप्रिय निर्देशक बीआर चोपडाका छोरा तथा यशराज चोपडाका भतिज रविको भोली बिहीवार अन्तिम संस्कार गरिने भएको छ। पछिल्लो समय ‘भूतनाथ’ र ‘भूतनाथ रिटर्न्स’ फिल्म निर्माण गरेका रविले जमीर (१९७५), द बर्निंग ट्रेन (१९८०), मजदूर (१९८३), दहलीज (१९८६), बागवान (२००३) र बाबुल (२००६) जस्ता फिल्म निर्देशन गरेका थिए ।
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